Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Drum Roll Please....
The winner was announced this morning... Mike Henderson. Mike truly deserves this title. What an amazing man he is. He had everything in him that the CAF stands for. The best person did win today. It was a nerve wrecking show, and I was able to keep my cool until the end. When Mike gave me $4,000 to join the riders in San Francisco this Friday. As soon as he said he was going to give me the funds, I lost it and the tears just started coming. I was speechless and had to give Mike a hug. Thank you to The Scott and BR Show for giving me this opportunity and for a $5,000 scholarship. And to Corky's Pest Control for a $1,000 donation.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Waiting ...
Tonight cannot seem to go by fast enough. Tomorrow morning, myself, Mike, Kristine, Jeffery, and Jim will be joining Scott and BR in there studio for the final cut. 20 weeks ago 30 of us started on a journey far bigger then we ever imagined. And tonight as I lay here, a million things are running through my head. From the beginning I would say that I was going to win, but for me I say that with all. In the truth of it, I never thought I would still be here. The judges seen something in me, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for giving he this opportunity. I thought it would be Mike and Brent. Brent was cut, but was able to fundraise his $10,000. Mike, through plenty of hard work has been able to raise $10,000 also. And after reading his blog, he stated that if he wins, he is going to use his $10,000 and give it to those who are still needing some money. Mike is so wonderful. I first met him in the La Mesa Trek Store where he would volunteer.
I am filled with so much emotion. We have no idea of how tomorrow is going to play out. My heart is pounding 90 miles an hour right now in anticipation of it all. How will I ever sleep tonight. I have been trying to get my bike ready this evening and get some packing started. I need to save some of it for last minute. Tomorrow, is going to be busy regardless.
Tuesday nights are one of my favorite nights during the week... I have been taking figure skating lessons on Tuesday nights since January 2008. It all started with a trip home for the holidays and my number one fan, she said how cool it would be if I could take lessons out in San Diego. Being that I love her so much, I thought why not. Patsy, she is quite the little girl. Well now she is a teenager and a freshman in high school. From the very start, she followed me around and was my side kick. Most kids would hate having their baby sister or brother want to be with them 24/7. But I have loved having her there. And I know the first chance she gets, she will be calling me to see how things went for me. I know that alot of people are wondering the same thing. After figure skating I have a little girl, who I have to pay a visit to. My little friend Samantha, is turning 2 tomorrow. I have the chance to take another private lesson with my coach Chea, but I don't know if I am going to yet.
Am I ready to make this trip down the coast? Is my endometriosis and fibromyalgia going to allow my body to? Is my health strong enough for this? Are the fires going on going to effect us? What is the weather going to be like? Too hot, too cold? Am I going to forget something? One reveled on Sundays ride that underwear was forgotten by someone on last years ride. Did I do enough to show the judges and the CAF that I really want this? How was my attitude? Did I put forth enough effort? Am I going to regret not raising money for myself, or was it better to help out others first? From the beginning we have not known how the judges decided to cut people from the contest. Will all be known tomorrow or will their secrets be safe for another year?
Well its rounding near 10pm. I am going to put on a movie in hopes that will help me to fall asleep. Good night all and I will blog the next chance I get.
Final Two
This morning Scott announced on air that tomorrow morning the final two radio contestants will be in studio for the final cut.
If you are up at 630 am tune into xx1090 and listen live...
If you are up at 630 am tune into xx1090 and listen live...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Today marked our last training ride for the QMDC. What an amazing 20 weeks I have gone through. I have felt so many emotions , especially in these past couple of weeks. I signed up on to win my spot on the QMDC, on a whim. From the start I had hoped (along with everyone else) I want to be the one they pick, I WANT TO WIN! To my surprise I have made it to the final two. Mike Henderson, a person who is so wonderful is also standing with me. Over the next few days the winner of the Scott and BR Show, winner will be announced. I may or may not go. I am prepared to go. Something I have learned in the Navy is better to be ready and not do something, then not be ready and have to do something. If I do not win, I will be okay, I will be disappointed but the judges are the one who picks the one who they feel deserves this the most. What a hard decision they have to make. I would hate to be in their shoes. I have the time off work and am willing to do support on the ride too.
Taking part in the training could not have come at a better time in my life... I had been struggling for sometime prior to the start of that first training ride on June 8Th. My health was not good. I was told I was no longer able to run, for I will further damage my back and hips. Running had been my therapy, I was just getting into doing local races, trying to participate in one a month. I was trying to get things in order to secure a job, for I was having to leave the military because of my health problems. The Navy had been all I had known for 8 years. How would I adjust. What would I do for work? I was so lost and stressed.
Right from the start I was open with my group about my health issues, and everybody was still welcoming towards me. I have a hard time meeting new people let alone, letting them into my bubble. I have had too many times in the past where people say if you never need any help don't hesitate to call, and the times I call they are not there. Its frustrating and hard. Who wants to put up with someone who doesn't feel good every day. I get tired of hearing myself say that I don't feel good. Having to cancel plans last minute or go home early. Its hard. And the people I do have in my life that are there for me they are a blessing. But Group 4 and mostly everyone else has been wonderful towards me.
I rode with Group 4, for the training. With Hooter and Diane as my ride leaders. And I thank Hooter for his "Nina, we have to talk..." Group 4 showed me that it was okay to stop and not ride when I needed to. Just to rest and on the way back if I am feeling better, I can get back on the bike. One ride where I was in tears, from being in so much pain. And how everyone was concerned, day following text messages, phone calls, and emails, of my group making sure I am okay. Before, I would torture my body, I would not stop. I would push through the pain and end up unable to walk for a few days following. I felt that my body was failing me, and I was not going to let it. I whole hearted thank Group 4... Hooter, Diane, Julie, Dr. Bob, Julie S, Jack, Sandy, Francesca, Cindy, Terri, Tina(Sag-a-licious), Brent, Carma, and I know I am probably missing a couple of names. Thank you all. I could not have gone through this without you all. You all are amazing people and I have enjoyed every mile spent with you all. I hope that down the road, we all can get together and ride.
Learning about the CAF, is one thing, but I was able to see what it can do for people. And I love talking about riding my bike and what I have been doing. Even though I did not raise $10,000 for myself to secure my spot, if I do not get the winning spot. Helping others raise their money, was what I thought was the best for me during this time period. I love helping anyway I can. Because every little bit helps. Shortly after we started training, I got a message on myspace from a guy who lost both legs and his right arm in a car accident. He was looking to moving out here to San Diego, and he just asked me a simple question of "Do you know any amputee athletes?" Without hesitation I messaged him right back and told him what I was doing and that I will help out anyway possible. The following Sunday, I was talking to Steve a radio contestant, and told him about the myspace message. He said you need to tell Jeffery. We went to Jeffery, Steve introduced me to him and I told Jeffery about the message. I was given contact info to pass on. As soon as I got home I messaged the guy and passed the info on. I have not heard from him for some time. I do message him to see how he is. He was having problems finding suitable housing for him to rent out here. I hope that everything works out so that he is able to move out here and do what he loves to do, play sports. Spreading the word of the CAF, and showing someone where they can look to get the information is so rewarding. Just telling someone that there is an organization out there that is willing to help someone do what they love to do. What better thing to witness the glimmer of hope that shows in their eyes that they are going to have a second chance at doing what they love.
I don't know how the next few days are going to play out for the final two radio contestants, but I will give you all an update when I hear something. Thank you all for your support throughout the whole experience, its something that will last with me for my lifetime.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A must read for any cyclist...
My roommate went out with friends and one of them is a writer and an avid cyclist. This is the story he did for the Reader. I was laughing the whole time.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday October 1

Wednesday was going to be cut day again. I have been trying to ride my bike to work once a week. I talked with my boss, so she knew my plans, just in case I had errands to go do. On Tuesday before figure skating, I went to Trek and bought some new arm warmers and the fancy legwarmers, some new lights for my bike and full fingered gloves. I made my way to figure skating and then had a private lesson. I get home get everything ready for my ride in. I found a new use for my gold Navy PT shirts... Wear them when its dark and I riding. Wednesday morning comes around and I leave at 5am, so I have enough time to get to work, get fresh, and listen to the radio contest cuts.
The ride is was going wonderful. Until I was on Cleveland Ave, by the base. I was in the left lane for I was needing to turn left, Some jerk came speeding past me and just barely hit me. And I swerved to avoid being a pancake, My tires got stuck in the train tracks, and I went down. Instant tears. This other truck pulls up and the lady is freaking out. She was wanting to call 911, if I needed anything. I told her I was fine, just needed to put my chain on and call someone to pick me up. She stayed so I could use her headlights to put my chain back on. I tried calling one of my friends, no answer. Well I could sit here and wait, start walking, or ride the mile more to work. So I cried to work. My left hip and wrist were killing me. I was hoping nothing is broken. I get to my office, I had 30 minutes before the QMDC segment on the radio. I go over to Wal-mart, to get an ice pack and ace bandage. I am still in my spandex. I was not giving a care. I hurry up. My mom is calling me, she is so nervous about talking on the radio. I told her its just like talking on the phone.
I get back to the office at 630.... just in time. I put the ice pack in the freezer to make it cold. I freshen up and wrap me wrist. I then look at my hip... its oh so pretty... See the picture above.
Finally the QMDC segment came on... Scott talked about how he got this idea to have someone speak on our behalf. I chose my mom, who knows me better then her. Scott said that this "Navy Guy" emailed him because during one show Scott talked about my decisions not to do the physical fundraising. And thsi guy emailed Scott tell him about what I had wrote in my blog about it and other things that he has noticed that I have been doing. My mind was all over the place. Who the heck is this guy. I never asked anyone to email or call the radio station on my behalf. My nerve level just went through the roof.
The first person to talk was my mom. She did so awesome. You could not tell that she was nervous at all. Mike had Todd, a former radio contestant speak for him. Carl had Brent aka Cowboy, talk for him. And Scott had his wife. Everyone did such an amazing job speaking for their person. Everyone drove a hard bargin. I was starting to think that I was gone. Scott said that the judges were standing by listening, and would be sending the email with the two who get cut. A few minutes later, which seemed like hours, the "You've got mail" came over the air waves. I was getting nervous, thinking this is it, I am gone. Scott said the two people who are moving on, are Mike and Nina. I was so shocked I almost choked on my Lucky Charms. OMG I am still in. I was like did I hear him right... A few minutes later i got an email from Diane, one of my ride leaders say congrats, so I knew that what I heard was true.
So now I am part of the final two. I was just breathe Nina. Also the final two were being invited to go ride the San Diego part of the Tour De Califorina. A fully supported ride from Qualcomm's Jeff Jacobs and USA Cycling Team.
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